Being Hopeless Can Make You Hopeful..

The word HOPE has been heavy on my mind for weeks. I watched a show a few weeks ago with my husband, and this girl in the show, had been abused, turned drug addict, and had lost all hope. It quickly took me back to those dark days that I had no hope in my life. No hope for a future, no hope for a successful life, no hope at even succeeding at even the miniscule challenges that faced me. I was out of hope period!  What happens to someone when they have run out of hope? Have you ever really thought about that? If you are someone who has been that person that has run out of hope then you probably know what happens. When you have been abused or even helping someone who has been abused, chances are you have been or felt hopeless.

Webster Dictionary defines hope as – to cherish a desire with anticipation

Let me remind you, I’m no doctor, therapist, or scientist..I’m a survivor who has climbed the mountain, stumbled down the side of it and came back up the other side with gusto! Even in my darkest moments and times, I now realize I had hope, they were just misguided hopes. We all hope, right. Even if it’s where our next high is going to come from, or who we can get back at out of spiteful revenge..even when we are hurting we are hoping. Think about that for a minute, Even when we are hurting we are hoping.

What was lacking was the desire for our own good, hope for our own successes. Hope for our own healing from all the pain.We were hopeless in ourselves. Self pity and loathing takes over quickly if your not careful and what feels like all hope is gone, is nothing more than hope in the wrong direction. Does that make sense?

If you are struggling with this hopelessness or know someone who is stuck on the hopeless road of anger, self pity, and self doubt perhaps you can re direct yourself or them towards the kind of hope that will be useful and self rewarding! Even the smallest of tasks are triumphs when you are overcoming abuse. So be easy on yourself, but be honest with yourself. You are not the only person who has gone through it, nor will you be the last sadly. Wouldn’t you rather be a voice of hope rather than despair? How can you help yourself be HOPEFUL today? How can you help someone else be HOPEFUL today?

So my hope ( desire with anticipation) is that you find a little good in today, even if today started out bad, decide to find good in it and celebrate it!!

As always, I appreciate your reading and sharing with me your thoughts, opinions and time!

I always welcome comments and emails or questions, so keep them coming, I love hearing from you all!

God Bless and I’ll be seeing you!
