Forgive or Not to Forgive, That is the feeling!

Hello everyone! I want to thank you all that have reached out and contacted me, left comments or messaged me privately. I so appreciate all the support and affirmations to what I am trying to do here! From the feedback that I have gotten so far I realize even more how important this healing process is to everyone that has been through it or known someone who has been through abuse and struggles with ” Where do I start?, Do I have to Forgive to heal? I’m so Angry! ” So I’ve thought about it for a couple of days and I know now where I want to start this!

I first want to clarify a few things; I stated that my abuser was my grandfather. Those of you that know me, know that I just lost a grandfather and I want to clarify that this was NOT the man who abused me! The grandfather I have taken care of the last 7 years was my Papa, and I lost most of my childhood with him because of the abuse from my other grandfather and the fear that I associated with all “grandfathers”, but you will see as I tell you my story how Papa and I were given a second chance at a wonderful relationship together!

Forgiveness! Hmm, it’s a tough one if you haven’t come to grips with your abuse, abuser and understand who it’s really for.  I spent years angry at my grandfather, my parents, myself and God! I didn’t understand how God could let a little girl go through something so horrific and if God truly loved me then why wasn’t he taking the pain away? I had a lot of Why’s that I wanted answers to. Why didn’t my parents see the signs of my abuse? Why did my grandmother look the other way when she knew it was going on? Why couldn’t I have been brave enough to say No, or stop way before the age of 12? Why me?  Why, Why, Why, and the list goes on and on.  So as I was internalizing all the questions, I wasn’t getting any answers from God, or so I thought. I wasn’t really looking to be honest. I wanted to be free of all it and the only  answer I was getting from my family and my Pastor was that I needed to forgive to heal. Well I struggled with this for years to come.

Until one day sitting with my therapist, and I told her I wasn’t ready to forgive, I couldn’t forgive, I was too angry to forgive, and she affirmed ALL of my feelings and told me she didn’t think I was ready to forgive either so stop trying! She had released me of the “Forgiveness” burden so that I could start healing! I was holding back the healing process because I was so focused on the forgiving process. My point in saying all of this to you is this: I didn’t know then, but forgiveness was for Me, it was part of the healing process, this process was not a 12 step program to be followed and completed within a year or so. It was on my terms, my timing and I couldn’t be forced into it. For me I think I will always be evolving and forgiving. Sometimes forgiveness means being able to forgive some parts of the abuse, but not the abuser. It may mean forgiving yourself for things you did to cope with the abuse so that you can move onto healing and forgiving the abuser. Or maybe forgiving the abuser but holding onto the acts of abuse. Whatever may be holding you back, remember that this process is for YOU, and You only. It is not “oking” what the abuser did to you, it’s not “oking” the pain or hurt that you may feel daily. It’s to release you, free you of that pain and hurt. You deserve that no matter what you may think of yourself. It’s like a gift that keeps unwrapping once you start it!

It has taken me over 15 years to forgive my grandfather because for so long I was hung up on: if I forgave him that meant it was okay what he had done. So if any of you are struggling with the forgiveness aspect to all of this, I want you to stop thinking about forgiveness in terms of that it is for the abuser or that it makes the abuse acceptable. It is for you and you only, and it does NOT mean that you will ever forget what that person has done to you. It just means that you are going to start healing, and start loving yourself! Be patient with yourself, for some people this comes easy and is quick for others a lot of memories have to be dealt with in order for the healing and forgiving to start.

Shift your perception of forgiveness to yourself, shift your perspective from victim to survivor, surrender the process and see what happens!

Lastly, I asked in my first post, If you knew what “grooming” was? All abusers use this as a tool to lure in their next victim. No matter the abuse, the abuser uses the grooming process. A child predator may use toys, candy, threats to scare to catch their next prey. A man who beats his girlfriend or wife may use gifts and excessive apologies and empty promises to groom. Someone who likes to verbally abuse will use their charm or charisma to outwit and groom the personal they are verbally assaulting into believing they are actually in the wrong! No matter the type of abuse there is grooming associated with it and it can be hard to spot because they have mastered this skill! Beware of this as adults and anyone who has kids who are coming home talking about the neighbor, family member, teacher, coach, ect that keeps giving them gifts or “treats” for good behavior or just an act of kindness! Have your guard up and be aware, not all people are bad, but it’s good to know the signs and this is a BIG one is abuse!

As this post resonates in you and you think about forgiveness, healing, anger or hurt, ask yourself what you are the most angry about, or why you are afraid of dealing with your abuse, who are you the most upset with? The answer will compel you to keep on your journey!

God Bless and Good Night!

8 thoughts on “Forgive or Not to Forgive, That is the feeling!

  1. Rie Anderson says:

    This blog is a courageous step, Mel, and will be beneficial to you as well as give a much needed helping hand to others; be they still victims or have managed to accept themselves as survivors. Silence is one of the things that the perpetrator depends on to cover his predatorial actions and I hope that this blog will help others speak up and speak out. To add to your fine description of “grooming” I offer the words “overly solicitous” and “manipulative” behavior toward the victim with the intent of setting up and preparing the victim to be sexually abused. Once the victim has been “selected” the grooming can continue for a long time, in some cases for years, before the actual abuse. In some cases the time span is much shorter. Shining light on these crimes through educating the public is a good line of defense. I applaud your efforts. With love and admiration, Rie

    • Melanie says:

      Thank you for your words of encouragement and support. I will add on to the grooming section with what you have added, those are great points to make as I want this to be as informative as possible for everyone reading!I’m still new to this and learning how to build more pages to the blog and once I do will have a page for each ” definition” that I go into on the blog so like the grooming will have a page dedicated to what it is, how to spot it ect.. and will add all the info that you stated above. Anytime you see something that could be added upon please feel free to give me the feedback. I’m so excited about this. I have people message me from Australia, Canada, Israel and it’s just soo amazing to see that I’m already reaching people far beyond what I could have ever imagined possible!
      I was going to ask you when I’m talking in my blog, I’ve not used your name because I didn’t want to impend on your privacy without permission. I don’t mind using “therapist”,but sounds so generic, I would like to use your name with your permission,but understand if you are not comfortable with that.

      • Rie Anderson says:

        I’ve thought long and hard about this and think that, for right now, I’d appreciate the continued privacy. There are a number of concerns; not the least of which is the time that disclosure might require. No way to predict how this might affect my available time, but I do know that it takes me longer to do less than ever before in my life. So, let’s table this for now and review it some time in the future. There are two law suits about land, alimony, etc. Should, or when, these are resolved in my favor, both time and money would be more abundant. My love to you, Steve, Trinton, and Stevie. Rie

    • kissesfishes says:

      Melanie~ the powerful and impassioned soul that lies within that cage is ready to burst out and help others. I can’t put into words the admiration I have of your courage and I applaud you for your genuine care and drive to help (so many) others. I love you my Sister. ❤ Aj

      • Melanie says:

        Kisses my dear, Thank you Thank You so much, I love you too! I’m so excited and thrilled to finally be doing this. Nothing has ever felt so right in my life!

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